LHT ANODISERS LTD, being approved licensees of Anolok and Anolok II anodised finishes for the treatment of aluminium sheet and extrusion products, hereby guarantee, subject to the following terms and conditions, that all Natural, Anolok and Anolok II finishes supplied by us on this development, shall remain free of corrosion, free from fading and free from loss of coating
adhesion for a period of 30 years from the date of installation.
The anodised finish shall meet or exceed the hardness of glass. Abrasion resistance measured according to BS EN 12373-9:1999 shall have a thickness wear index of 1.4 or less.
Light resistanceNatural, Anolok and Anolok II finishes will not fade irrespective of maintenance.
3. Corrosion resistance
Corrosion at cut ends (joints) or corrosion occurring on damaged areas will not propagate by undermining the adjacent anodic film irrespective of maintenance.
(i) Substrate aluminium to be 6063 or 6060 alloy for extrusion and J57S alloy for sheet or an alternative alloy agreed in writing by LHT prior to anodising.
(ii) That the customer has specified that the work be carried out to BS3987 as a minimum standard and made LHT aware of any additional requirements in the contract specification.
(iii) That the anodised material is not sited in the direct influence zones of acid or industrial or other aggressive emission sources, which are known or believed to be damaging or corrosive to anodising. Furthermore, that the anodising is not exposed to acidic or alkali chemicals used to clean the facade or adjacent areas. This guarantee is not affected by a marine environment.
To preserve the visual appearance of the film and prevent any risk of pitting corrosion in the long term, after the clean on completion the anodising must be cleaned at least once a year using a neutral detergent and water. Acidic or alkali chemicals must not be used.(v) That notification of any defect in the anodic coating is made to us in writing.
The anodised product is installed on premises within the United Kingdom or any other country agreed in writing by us prior to anodising.(viii) That in the event of any claim against us under this guarantee, the burden of proof that we carried out the work in dispute and that all other conditions of this guarantee have been complied with, rests with the customer.
(ix) This guarantee is issued to LHT’s customer but is transferable to a third party with written agreement from LHT.
(x) That, in addition to the foregoing, our terms of business shall apply to all work carried out by us. In cases of conflict between such terms and the provisions of the guarantee, the provisions of this guarantee shall prevail.
For and on behalf of LHT Anodisers Limited,