Natural anodising is the uncoloured anodic film which is tranparent and shows the appearance of the underlying metal. In the case of architectural anodising this is a standard matt etched finish.
LHT operates the Anolok process licensed by Alcan International where the colour is developed electrolytically by depositing cobalt metal into the porous film. Increasing the amount of cobalt deposited gives shades of bronze from pale bronze right through to black.
Light scatter produces the colours and this method of production ensures that the colours obtained are completely fade free.
This is a licensed process from Interoxyd AG, where subsequent to Anolok Bronze anodising the porous film is overdyed using architecturally stable organic pigments. These are spray applied with computer controlled accuracy, giving a wide range of yellows, reds, blues greens, oranges or turquoises in subtle shades with guaranteed weatherability.
The first interference colour used in the UK (1983) The extended range of grey colours, produced by the Anolok II process, is the very latest development in colour anodising. By using light interference a series of greys are produced which have the primary benefit of Anolok anodising i.e. that they are fade free.
This gives the architect new fashionable colours based on proven technology that outperform all the alternatives.